Monday, November 30, 2015

How to Succeed in Exams & Assessments

Kathleen McMillan and Jonathan Weyers 
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
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How to succeed in Exams & Assessments will allow a student to assess and address their particular weaknesses in revising, preparing for and succeeding in academic exams and assessments and delivers detailed tips, techniques and strategies to enable them to significantly improve their abilities and performance in time to make a difference.

(Excerpt from

人類群星閃耀時 (Decisive Moments in History)

斯蒂芬.茨威格 (Stefan Zweig)
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Monday, November 23, 2015

Seeing What Others Don't: The Remarkable Ways We Gain Insights

Gary Klein
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Insights—like Darwin’s understanding of the way evolution actually works, and Watson and Crick’s breakthrough discoveries about the structure of DNA—can change the world. We also need insights into the everyday things that frustrate and confuse us so that we can more effectively solve problems and get things done. Yet we know very little about when, why, or how insights are formed—or what blocks them. In Seeing What Others Don’t, renowned cognitive psychologist Gary Klein unravels the mystery.

Klein is a keen observer of people in their natural settings—scientists, businesspeople, firefighters, police officers, soldiers, family members, friends, himself—and uses a marvelous variety of stories to illuminate his research into what insights are and how they happen. What, for example, enabled Harry Markopolos to put the finger on Bernie Madoff? How did Dr. Michael Gottlieb make the connections between different patients that allowed him to publish the first announcement of the AIDS epidemic? What did Admiral Yamamoto see (and what did the Americans miss) in a 1940 British attack on the Italian fleet that enabled him to develop the strategy of attack at Pearl Harbor? How did a “smokejumper” see that setting another fire would save his life, while those who ignored his insight perished? How did Martin Chalfie come up with a million-dollar idea (and a Nobel Prize) for a natural flashlight that enabled researchers to look inside living organisms to watch biological processes in action?

Klein also dissects impediments to insight, such as when organizations claim to value employee creativity and to encourage breakthroughs but in reality block disruptive ideas and prioritize avoidance of mistakes. Or when information technology systems are “dumb by design” and block potential discoveries.

Both scientifically sophisticated and fun to read, Seeing What Others Don’t shows that insight is not just a “eureka!” moment but a whole new way of understanding.

(Excerpt from

大地, 非石油: 氣候危機時代下的環境正義 (Soil Not Oil: Environmental Justice in an Age of Climate Crisis)

范達娜·席娃 (Vandana Shiva)
online access from iRead eBook
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書中席娃詳述了糧食危機、石油危機、氣候變遷的諸多關聯環節,假若我們只見一端未涉其餘,人類仍將走向末路。 席娃指責生質能源和農業成了生態和經濟浩劫的主因,也提出小型農場是最佳的替代之道。受害於飢荒的幾億人和瀕死的地球,唯有傾賴永續、生物多樣性的農場,方得以抵抗疾病、乾旱、洪水,餵養並保衛我們的後代子孫。《大地,非石油》見解果敢、具前瞻性,籲求回歸健全農業的原則,並奠基於自治、社區和環境正義的世界。


Monday, November 16, 2015

A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking: Deciding What to Do and Believe

David A. Hunter 
online access from Wiley Online Library eBooks
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A thoroughly updated introduction to the concepts, methods, and standards of critical thinking, A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking: Deciding What to Do and Believe, Second Edition is a unique presentation of the formal strategies used when thinking through reasons and arguments in many areas of expertise. Pursuing an interdisciplinary approach to critical thinking, the book offers a broad conception of critical thinking and explores the practical relevance to conducting research across fields such as, business, education, and the biological sciences.
Applying rigor when necessary, the Second Edition maintains an informal approach to the fundamental core concepts of critical thinking. With practical strategies for defining, analyzing, and evaluating reasons and arguments, the book illustrates how the concept of an argument extends beyond philosophical roots into experimentation, testing, measurement, and policy development and assessment. Featuring plenty of updated exercises for a wide range of subject areas, A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking Deciding What to Do and Believe, Second Edition also includes:

• Numerous real-world examples from many fields of research, which reflect the applicability of critical thinking in everyday life
• New topical coverage, including the nature of reasons, assertion and supposing, narrow and broad definitions, circumstantial reasons, and reasoning about causal claims
• Selected answers to various exercises to provide readers with instantaneous feedback to support and extend the lessons

A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking Deciding What to Do and Believe, Second Edition is an excellent textbook for courses on critical thinking and logic at the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as an appropriate reference for anyone with a general interest in critical thinking skills.

(Excerpt from


谷振詣, 劉壯虎 著
online access from Apabi
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