Monday, March 28, 2011

Lifelines for Money Misfortunes : How to Overcome Life's Greatest Challenges

Stephen M. Pollan, Mark Levine
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…with Lifelines for Money Misfortunes, Pollan looks to share more of his cutting-edge ideas with a wide range of readers, regardless of their income level or comfort with handling money. Lifelines for Money Misfortunes takes a holistic approach to dealing with the unpredictable accidents, disasters, and crises that disrupt our carefully planned lives. Drawing on Pollan's expert legal and financial experience as well as the experiences of numerous savvy professionals—including mediators, career counselors, social workers, insurance adjustors, and more—this book reveals both the secrets of personal crisis management and the tactics for overcoming the most common and worrying disasters readers might face. It also outlines coping plans that can be used to handle financial and other matters during any crisis, and illustrates the most effective ways to implement them. Filled with real-world stories of individuals who have gone through the disasters discussed—including illness, job loss, and the death of a spouse—Lifelines for Money Misfortunes offers a plan for personal crisis management that can be used by anyone, no matter what type of catastrophic events they may be facing.
(Excerpt from


v.1 online access from Apabi
v.2 online access from Apabi
v.3 online access from Apabi
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勞動著是幸福的,無論在哪個時代。《平凡的世界》正白紙黑字的告訴我們這樣的人生真諦。它響亮的提出,人,無論在什麼位置,無論多麼貧寒,只要一顆火熱的心在,只要能熱愛生活,上帝對他就是平等的。只有作一名勞動者,不把不幸當作負擔,才能去做生活的主人,用自己真誠的心去體驗,畢竟生命屬於我們只有一次。 這是一部用生命來寫成的書。在亙古的大地與蒼涼的宇宙間,有一種平凡的聲音,盪氣迴腸。

Monday, March 21, 2011

Nuclear or Not? : Does Nuclear Power Have a Place in a Sustainable Energy Future?

Edited by David Elliott
Online access from SpringerLink
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The issue of nuclear energy excites strong emotions and there are widely differing views as to whether nuclear power can or should make a major contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. With the nuclear issue back on the agenda worldwide, this highly topical collection steers a path through these controversies, presenting the views of proponents of nuclear expansion, examining the challenges that face them and exploring the arguments of those who support alternative approaches. Providing an overview of both sides of the debate this book addresses questions such as can nuclear energy ever be green? Can nuclear result in an effective sustainable energy policy? How should we deal with nuclear waste? What is the impact of nuclear on security? Ultimately these essays focus on which mix of technologies would offer the best response to climate change.
(Excerpt from

危機管理 (Crisis Management : Planning for the Inevitable)

菲克 (Steven Fink)
online access from SuperStar Digital Library
check holdings in CityU LibraryFind

(摘錄自書中 “代序―推介「危機管理」”,徐立德)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Writing Your Doctoral Dissertation : Invisible Rules for Success

Rita S. Brause
online access from ProQuest Ebook Central
online access from EBSCOhost Ebooks
check holdings in CityU LibraryFind

*A practical guide for students with help on planning, writing and defending a dissertation
*Provides samples of accepted proposals and dissertations
Increasing numbers of adults are enrolling in doctoral programs, but their earlier college lives often do not prepare them for the rules of academic game. Many have no idea what a dissertation proposal or an accepted dissertation looks like, how it gets that way, or what options are available to them. There is a real need for explicit information on what this highly complex and interactive, social and political process involves.
The book is a practical guide for students who need help in progressing from the decision to write a dissertation to the planning, writing and defending of it. It includes samples of proposals and dissertations that have been accepted and data drawn from a number of sources, including focus groups with doctoral students and graduates and responses to an open-ended questionnaire from doctoral students across the United States.
(Excerpt from

沉思錄 (Meditations)

馬可. 奧勒留 (Marcus Aurelius)
online access from:
  iRead eBook (Chinese)
  HyRead ebook (Chinese)
  ProQuest Ebook Central (English)
  EBSCOhost Ebooks (English)
